Fermenting Futures

ArtMonthly. 2023
Dissolving Earths: Communities at Risk, Siberia

October Journal, 2023
Architectures of Inverted Bodies

The Women’s Art Library, 2023-24
After Life

ArtMonthly. 2023
Dissolving Earths

Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam; TBA21, Madrid; documenta Institut, Kassel; and Mimosa House, London. 2023
Resurfacing Silences: Collaborations Through Geological-Time

He Art Museum, Guangdong. 2020
Tulip is a tulip is a tulip

Secession, Vienna and Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam. 2022–23

Art Monthly
Things that Surface

The Parkstad Limburg Prijs. 2022
Hollow Earth: Art, Caves and the Subterranean Imaginary

Review: Nottingham Contemporary 24 September to 22 January 2022 ArtMonthly Nottingham is known as the ‘City of Caves’; the hilly urban sprawl is deeply nestled into its subterranean topology. Cave entrances are visible from roadsides and buildings are cradled by rockfaces. The sandstone bedrock – easily excavated by hand, hardening once exposed – […]