Art and Ecology: Angela YT Chan, Rachel Pimm, Sophie J Williamson

Henry Moore Institute, 2021


Join Angela YT Chan (Creative Climate Change Communicator) and artist Rachel Pimm for a discussion on the relationship between art, ecology and collective action. Chaired by curator Sophie J Williamson.



This event accompanies the Henry Moore Institute exhibition:

Julia Crabtree and William Evans: Slip
17 Sep 2021 – 16 Jan 2022

Julia Crabtree and William Evans have been collaborating since 2006 and are known for their process-driven sculpture. Their work incorporates a breadth of materials and modes of making from casting and glass-blowing to video-making and printing. For each new body of work they initiate a sequence of contained sculptural experiments. The artists allow the fallibilities of collaborative working and the risk of failure inherent to their materials to inform the final object. Slip includes work from the last five years alongside sculptures made for this exhibition.


See the exhibition, online [here]

Watch the talk online [here]